The floor plan highlights where the St. Jude’s family will worship and connect . The church naves are designed to allow for a overflow when gathering.
The chapel is located immediately behind the church and shares the same sacntuary platform and tabernacle, separated acoustically and a glass wall.
The chapel entry is from Kama’aha Avenue. The emphasis was to have a tall, vertical, sacred chapel appearance that is distinct from the main church entry.
The interior view of the sanctuary platform is dominated by the reredos arch and glass separation from the chapel.
The Vision for our St Jude Parish campus, built to be a symbol in the community and worship our Catholic Faith.
The interior view of the church reflects parishioners’ desire for a traditional Catholic liturgical environment while honoring Hawaiian artwork.
The Master Site Plan physically manifests St. Jude’s mission and Pastoral plan to broaden and open the parish’s presence in the community.
The main entry to the church is from a large courtyard, which highlights the master plan theme of Ohana.